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Martin Abraham

Liechti, Lena; Abraham, Martin: Die Evaluation von betrieblichen Weiterbildungsmassnahmen. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Verbreitung und Anwendung von Evaluationsinstrumenten in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. In: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 81 (2011), S.241-​262

Abraham, Martin; Damelang, Andreas; Schulz, Florian: Wie strukturieren Berufe Arbeitsmarktprozesse? eine institutionentheoretische Skizze. In: LASER Discussion Paper (2011), Nr. 55, S.1-​25

Rolf Becker

Becker, Rolf und Guido Mehlkop, 2011: Effects of prepaid monetary incentives on mail survey response rates and on self-​reporting about delinquency – Empirical findings. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology (Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique) 111: 5-​25.

Becker, Becker (Hg.), 2011: Integration durch Bildung. Bildungserwerb von Migranten in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Becker, Rolf (Hg.), 2011 (2009): Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (2. veränderte und erweiterte Auflage).

Becker, Rolf, 2011: Integration von Migranten durch Bildung und Ausbildung – theoretische Erklärungen und empirische Befunde. S. 11-​36 in: Rolf Becker (Hg.), Integration durch Bildung. Bildungserwerb von jungen Migranten in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Becker, Rolf, und Michael Beck, 2011: Migration, Sprachförderung und soziale Integration. Eine Evaluation der Sprachförderung von Berliner Schulkindern mit Migrationshintergrund. S. 123-​137 in: Rolf Becker (Hg.), Integration durch Bildung. Bildungserwerb von jungen Migranten in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Becker, Rolf, und Frank Schubert, 2011: Die Rolle von primären und sekundären Herkunftseffekten für Bildungschancen von Migranten im deutschen Schulsystem. S. 161-​194 in: Rolf Becker (Hg.), Integration durch Bildung. Bildungserwerb von jungen Migranten in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Becker, Rolf, und Patricia Tremel, 2011: Bildungseffekte vorschulischer Betreuung und Bildung für Migranten im deutschen Schulsystem. S. 57-​70 in: Wolfgang Lauterbach und Rolf Becker (Hg.), Integration durch Bildung. Bildungserwerb von jungen Migranten in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Becker, Rolf, 2011: Soziale Ungleichheit von Bildungschancen in der Schweiz und was man dagegen tun könnte. S. 21-​38 in: Rudolf Künzli und Katharina Maag Merki (Hg.), Zukunft Bildung Schweiz. Akten der Fachtagung vom 21. April 2010. Bern: Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz.

Becker, Rolf und Walter Müller, 2011: Bildungsungleichheiten nach Geschlecht und Herkunft im Wandel. S. 55-​75 in: Andreas Hadjar (Hg.): Geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsungleichheiten. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Michael Braun

Braun, Michael; Glöckner-​Rist, Angelika (2011): Patterns of social integration of Western European migrants. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI 10.1007/s12134-​011-0214-4.

Díez Medrano, Juan; Braun, Michael (2011): Uninformed citizens and support for free trade. In: Review of International Political Economy. DOI 10.1080/09692290.2011.561127.

Eldad Davidov

Cross cultural analysis: Methods and applications (2011). Edited by Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet. NY: Routledge.

Transition to homeownership among immigrant groups and natives in West-​Germany, 1984-​2008 (2011). Davidov, E. and S. Weick. Journal of Immigrant & Refugees Studies, 9, 393-​415. DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2011.616807

Level and change of group-​focused enmity in Germany: Unconditional and conditional latent growth curve models with four panel waves (2011). Davidov, E., S. Thörner, P. Schmidt, S. Gosen and C. Wolf. Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95, 81-​100. DOI 10.1007/s10182-​011-0174-1

Contextual sources of perceived group threat: Negative immigration-​related news reports, immigrant group size and their interaction, Spain 1996-​2007 (2011). Schlüter, E. and E. Davidov. European Sociological Review, doi: 10.1093/esr/jcr054.

With or without constraints? An empirical comparison of three approaches to estimate the interaction effect between intention and perceived behavioral control in the theory of planned behaviour (2011). Steinmetz, H., E. Davidov, and P. Schmidt. Methodological Innovations, 6(1), 95-​110.

Values and political orientation: A cross-​country comparison (2011). Piurko, Y., S.H. Schwartz and E. Davidov. Political Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-​9221.2011.00828.x

Assessment of measurement equivalence with cross-​national and longitudinal surveys in political science (2011). Ariely, G. and E. Davidov. European Political Science. DOI: 10.1057/eps.2011.11

Testing for measurement equivalence of human values across online and paper-​and-pencil surveys (2011). Davidov, E. and F. Depner. Quality & Quantity, 45(2), 375-​390. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-​009-9297-9

Can we rate public support for democracy in a comparable way? Cross-​national equivalence of democratic attitudes in the World Value Survey (2011). Ariely, G. and E. Davidov. Social Indicators Research, 104(2), 271-​286.

Preface (2011). Davidov, E., J. Billiet and P. Schmidt. In: Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet (Eds.), Methods and applications in cross-​cultural analysis. NY: Routledge.

Testing the invariance of values in the Benelux countries with the European Social Survey: Accounting for ordinality (2011). Davidov, E., G. Datler, P. Schmidt and S.H. Schwartz. In: Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet (Eds.), Methods and applications in cross-​cultural analysis. NY: Routledge.

Andreas Diekmann

Andreas Diekmann, Ed., Special Issue of The Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik): Methodological Artefacts, Data Manipulation and Fraud in Economics and Social Science., Vol. 231. , 2011, with contribution: Are Most Published Research Findings False? 628-​635.

Gustav Feichtinger

CAULKINS J.P., FEICHTINGER G., GRASS D., HARTL R.F., KORT P.M. & SEIDL, A. 2011. Optimal Pricing of a Conspicuous Product in a Recession that Freezes Capital Markets, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(1): 163-​174.

HUSCHTO T., FEICHTINGER G., HARTL R.F., KORT P.M., SAGER S., SEIDL A.: Numerical solution of a conspicuous consumption model with constant control delay, Automatica, 47 (9): 1868-​1877.

KUHN M, WRZACZEK S, PRSKAWETZ A, FEICHTINGER G: Externalities in a life cycle model with endogenous survival. Journal of Mathematical Economics 47 (2011), 4 - 5; 627 - 641.

KUHN M, WRZACZEK S, PRSKAWETZ A, FEICHTINGER G: Optimal choice of health and retirement in a lifecycle model. LEPAS Conference Proceedings, http://www.lepas-​​proc-2011-18.pdf

G. FEICHTINGER, M KUHN, A. FÜRNKRANZ-​PRSKAWETZ, S. WRZACZEK: The reproductive value as part of the shadow price of population. Demographic Research, Vol. 24 (2011), Article 28; S. 709 - 718.

CAULKINS, J.P., FEICHTINGER, G., HARTL, R.F., KORT, P.M., NOVAK, A.J. & SEIDL, A. 2011. Multiple Equilibria and Indifference-​Threshold Points in a Rational Addiction Model. Accepted in Central European Journal of Operations Reserarch, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-​012-0260-9.

CAULKINS, J.P., FEICHTINGER, G., GRASS, D., HARTL, R.F., KORT, P.M. & SEIDL, A. 2011. Skiba points in free end time problems: the option to sell the firm, In Submission. Available as Research Report 2010-​16, ORCOS, TU Wien.

CAULKINS, J.P., FEICHTINGER, G., GRASS, D., HARTL, R.F., KORT, P.M. & SEIDL, A. 2011. When to Make Proprietary Software Open Sourcce, In Submission. Available as Research Report 2011-​07, ORCOS, TU Wien

CAULKINS, J.P., FEICHTINGER, G., GRASS, D., HARTL, R.F., KORT, P.M., NOVAK, A., SEIDL, A. & WIRL, F. 2011. A Dynamic Analysis of Schelling’s Binary Corruption Model: A Competitive Equilibrium Approach. In submission. Available as Research Report 2011-​10, ORCOS, TU Wien.

CAULKINS, J.P., FEICHTINGER, G., HARTL, R.F., KORT, P.M., NOVAK, A.J. & SEIDL, A. 2011. Long Term Implications of Drug Policy Shifts: Anticipating and Non Anticipating Consumers. In submission. Available as Research Report 2011-​12, ORCOS, TU Wien.

Thomas Fent

Aparicio Diaz, B., Fent, T., Prskawetz, A., Bernardi, L. (2011). Transition to parenthood: The role of social interaction and endogenous networks. Demography, Vol. 48(2), pp. 559-​579

Andreas Flache

Flache, A., & Macy, M.W. (2011). Local Convergence and Global Diversity: From Interpersonal to Social Influence. Journal of Conflict Resolution 55.6: 968 - 993. DOI: 10.1177/0022002711414371.

Grow, A. & Flache, A. (2011). How attitude certainty tempers the effects of faultlines in demographically diverse teams. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. Volume 17, Number 2, 196-​224, DOI: 10.1007/s10588-​011-9087-5.

Flache, A., & Macy, M.W. (2011). Small Worlds and Cultural Polarization. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 35.1. Pp. 146-​176 in Marcel A. L. M. van Assen, Vincent Buskens, and Werner Raub (eds.). Special triple issue: “Micro-​Macro Links and Micro-​Foundations”.

Macy, M.W., D. Centola, A. Flache, A. van de Rijt & R. Willer. (2011). Social mechanisms and generative explanations: computational models with double agents. Pp. 250-​265 in P. Demeulenaere (ed.). Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Axel Franzen

Franzen, Axel und Dominikus Vogl (2011): Pitfalls of international comparative research: Taking acquiescence into account. Journal of Economics and Statistics 231:761-​782.

Franzen, Axel und Sonja Pointner (2011): Calling social capital: An analysis of the determinants of success on the TV quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Social Networks 33: 79-​87.

Franzen, Axel und Katrin Botzen (2011): Vereine in Deutschland und ihr Beitrag zum Wohlstand von Regionen. Soziale Welt. Heft 4.

Christiane Gross

Jungbauer-​Gans, Monika, Christiane Gross (2011): More Private Schools for Nonnative Students? Migrant Performance in Private Schools of Differing National Contexts. Education Research International 2011, Article ID 121250, 19 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/121250

Jungbauer-​Gans, Monika, Christiane Gross (2011): Erratum to “More Private Schools for Nonnative Students? Migrant Performance in Private Schools of Differing National Contexts”, Education Research International 2011, Article ID 825347, 3 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/825347

Gross, Christiane, Andreas Jobst, Monika Jungbauer-​Gans, Johannes Schwarze (2011): Educational Returns Over the Life Course. In: Blossfeld, Hans-​Peter, Hans-​Günther Roßbach, Jutta von Maurice (Eds.), Education as a Lifelong Process. The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Special Issue): 139–153.

Dieter Herrmann

Hermann, D., (2011) Media Violence and Criminality. In: Cornelius, K. & D. Hermann (Hg.), Virtual World and Criminality. Heidelberg u.a.: Springer. Pp. 45-​60

Dirk Helbing

H. Rauhut, J. Lorenz, F. Schweitzer, et al. (2011) Reply to Farrell: Improved individual estimation success can imply collective tunnel vision <>. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)<> 108(36), E626-​E626.

C. P. Roca and D. Helbing (2011) Emergence of social cohesion in a model society of greedy, mobile individu-​ als <​80ce-49c0-b60b- a9a09413a3e0>. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) <> 108(28), 11370-​11374.

J. Lorenz, H. Rauhut, F. Schweitzer, and D. Helbing (2011) How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect <>. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS)<> 108(28), 9020-​9025.

R. Berger, H. Rauhut, S. Prade, and D. Helbing (2011) Bargaining over waiting time in ultimatum game ex- periments <>. Social Science Re- search <> (in press).

J. Wu, Sergi Lozano, and D. Helbing (2011) Empirical study of the growth dynamics in real career h-​index se- quences <>. Journal of Informetrics <> 5(4), 489-​497.

D. Helbing and S. Balietti (2011) How to Do Agent-​Based Simulations in the Future: From Modeling Social Mechanisms to Emergent Phenomena and Interactive Systems Design <​papers/abstract/51b331dfecab44d50dc35fed2c6bbd7b/>. SFI <> Working Paper #11-​06-024.

D. Helbing and S. Balietti (2011) From social data mining to forecasting socio-​economic crises < /epjst/abs/2011/04/epjst195002/epjst195002.html>. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics <http://www.epjst-​> 195, 3-​68.

D. Helbing and S. Balietti (2011) From social simulation to integrative system design <http://www.epjst-​ /epjst195003/epjst195003.html>. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics <> 195, 69-​100.

D. Helbing and S. Balietti (2011) How to create an innovation accelerator <http://www.epjst-​ /epjst195004/epjst195004.html>. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics <http://www.epjst-​> 195, 101-​ 136.

D. Helbing, S. Balietti, S. Bishop, and P. Lukowicz (2011) Understanding, creating, and ma- naging complex technosocio-​economic systems: Challenges and perspectives <http://www.epjst-​ /epjst195011/epjst195011.html>. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics <> 195, 165-​ 186.

A. Mazloumian,    Y-H.    Eom,    D.    Helbing,    S.    Lozano,    and    S.    Fortunato How    citation    boosts    promote    scientific    paradigm    shifts    and    Nobel <>.    PLoS <> 6(5), e18975.
(2011) Prizes ONE

D. Helbing, W. Yu, and H. Rauhut (2011) Selforganization and emergence in soci-​ al systems: Modeling the coevolution of social environments and cooperative behavior <> (preprint link). Journal of Mathematical Sociology <> 35,177-​208.

M. Moussaïd, D. Helbing, and G. Theraulaz (2011) How simple rules determine pedestrian behavior and crowd disasters <>. PNAS <> 108 (17) 6884-​6888.

D. Roggen, M. Wirz, G. Tröster, and D. Helbing (2011) Recognition of crowd be- havior    from    mobile    sensors    with    pattern    analysis    and    graph    clustering    methods <>. Networks and Heterogeneous Media (NHM) <> 6(3), 521-​544.

K. Trantopoulos, M. Schlaepfer, and D. Helbing (2011) Toward Sustainability of Complex Urban Systems through Techno-​Social Reality Mining <>. Environ. Sci. Technol. <>, 45(15), 6231–6232.

Ben Jann

Jann, Ben, Julia Jerke, Ivar Krumpal (2011). Asking Sensitive Questions Using the Crosswise Model. An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism. Public Opinion Quarterly.

Coutts, Elisabeth, Ben Jann, Ivar Krumpal, Fiete Näher (2011). Plagiarism in Student Papers: Prevalence Estimation Using Special Techniques for Sensitive Questions. Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik) 231(5+6): 749-​760.

Jann, Ben (2011). Categorical Response Data. In: Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-​Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Sage.

Mohler-​Kuo, Meichun, Ben Jann, Michelle Dey, Ueli Zellweger (2011): A recruitment method to obtain community samples of children for survey research in Switzerland. International Journal of Public Health 56(3): 353-​356.

Coutts, Elisabeth, Ben Jann (2011). Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys. Experimental Results for the Randomized Response Technique (RRT) and the Unmatched Count Technique (UCT). Sociological Methods and Research 40(1): 169-​193.

Monika Jungbauer-​Gans

Jungbauer-​Gans, Monika (2011) Sozialkapital – ein Konzept wird befragt. In: Vater, Stefan/Kellner, Wolfgang/Jütte, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) Erwachsenenbildung und Sozialkapital. Bd. 4 Studies in Lifelong Learning. Wien: LIT Verlag, S. 19-​32.

Jungbauer-​Gans, Monika/Gross, Christiane (2011) More Private Schools for Nonnative Students? Migrant Performance in Private Schools of Differing National Contexts. In: Education Research International, vol. 2011, Article ID 121250, 19 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/121250.

Gross, Christiane/Jobst, Andreas/Jungbauer-​Gans, Monika/Schwarze, Johannes (2011) Educational returns over the life course. In H.-P. Blossfeld, H.-G. Roßbach & J. von Maurice (2011)(Eds.), Education as a Lifelong Process. The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Special Issue 14, Supp. 2: 139-​153.

Jürgen Klüver

Jürgen Klüver und Christina Klüver: Social Understanding. On Hermeneutics, Geometrical Models, and Artificial Intelligence. Dordrecht 2011: Spinger

Christina Klüver und Jürgen Klüver: IT-​Management durch KI-​Methoden und andere naturanaloge Verfahren. Wiesbaden 2011: Vieweg&Teubner.

Peter Kriwy

Kriwy, Peter (2011) Similarity of parents and physicians and the decision to vaccinate children against Measles, Mumps and Rubella. International Journal of Public Health, DOI: 10.1007/s00038-​011-0326-9

Kriwy, Peter, Mecking, Rebecca (2011) Health consciousness, costs of behaviour and the purchase of organic food. International Journal of Consumer Studies, DOI: 10.1111/j.1470-​6431. 2011.01004.x

Clemens Kroneberg

Kroneberg, Clemens, 2011: Die Erklärung sozialen Handelns. Grundlagen und Anwendung einer integrativen Theorie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Schwinn, Thomas, Clemens Kroneberg, und Jens Greve (Hrsg.), 2011: Soziale Differenzierung: Handlungstheoretische Zugänge in der Diskussion. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Greve, Jens und Clemens Kroneberg, 2011: „Herausforderungen einer handlungstheoretisch fundierten Differenzierungstheorie – zur Einleitung.“ S. 7-​23 In: Schwinn, Thomas, Kroneberg, Clemens und Jens Greve (Hrsg.), Soziale Differenzierung: Handlungstheoretische Zugänge in der Diskussion. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Kroneberg, Clemens, 2011: „Soziale Differenzierung und Demokratisierung: Zur Mikrofundierung einer modernisierungstheoretischen These“ S. 305-​329 In: Schwinn, Thomas, Kroneberg, Clemens und Jens Greve (Hrsg.), Soziale Differenzierung: Handlungstheoretische Zugänge in der Diskussion. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Ivar Krumpal

Ben Jann, Julia Jerke, Ivar Krumpal (2011): Asking Sensitive Questions Using the Crosswise Model: An Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism. Public Opinion Quarterly (Online First).

Ivar Krumpal (2011): Determinants of Social Desirability Bias in Sensitive Surveys: A Literature Review. Quality & Quantity (Online First).

Elisabeth Coutts, Ben Jann, Ivar Krumpal, Anatol-​Fiete Näher (2011): Plagiarism in Student Papers: Prevalence Estimates Using Special Techniques for Sensitive Questions. Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik) 231(5+6): 749-​760.

Ivar Krumpal, Heiko Rauhut, Dorothea Böhr, Elias Naumann (2011): The Framing of Risks and the Communication of Subjective Probabilities for Victimizations. Quality & Quantity 45(6): 1331-​1348.

Volker Müller-​Benedict

Volker Müller-​Benedict, Elena Tsarouha: Können Examensnoten verglichen werden? Eine Analyse des sozialen Kontextes auf Hochschulprüfungen. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 40(2011), Heft 5: 388-​409

Karl-​Dieter Opp

Opp, Karl-​Dieter. 2011. “Modeling Micro-​Macro Relationships: Problems and Solutions.” Journal of Mathematical Sociology 35(1-3).

Wojtek Przepiorka

2011. „Von Schweizer Alpengemeinden zur globalen Allmende. Was die Umweltpolitik aus Fallstudien und Experimenten lernen kann“ Pp. 59-​69, in Kurt Bisang, Christian Hirschi & Karin Ingold (eds.), Umwelt und Gesellschaft im Einklang? Festschrift für Willi Zimmermann. Zurich: Dike. (with A. Diekmann)

2011. “Ethnic Discrimination and Signals of Trustworthiness in an Online Market: Evidence from Two Field Experiments.” Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40(2): 132-​141.

2011. „Die Präventivwirkung des Nichtwissens im Experiment.“ Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40(1): 74-​84. (with A. Diekmann and H. Rauhut)

Baeriswyl, M., Przepiorka, W. and Staake, T., 2011: “Identifying individuals’ preferences using games: A field experiment in promoting sustainable energy consumption” Pp. 14-​25, in International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Proceedings, Atlanta (GA): Association for Information Systems.

Heiko Rauhut

Christine Horne and Heiko Rauhut: Using Laboratory experiments to study law and crime Forthcoming in Quality & Quantity.

Jan Lorenz*, Heiko Rauhut*, Frank Schweitzer, Dirk Helbing: How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 108(22), 9020-​9025, 2011. (* shared first authorship).

Heiko Rauhut, Jan Lorenz, Frank Schweitzer, Dirk Helbing: Reply to Farrell: Improved individual estimation success can imply collective tunnel vision. Reply to a comment by S. Farrell. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 108(36), p. 626, 2011.

Heiko Rauhut and Jan Lorenz: The wisdom of crowds in one mind: How individuals can simulate the knowledge of diverse societies to reach better decision. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2011, 55, p. 191-​197.

Andreas Diekmann, Wojtek Przepiorka, Heiko Rauhut: Die Präventivwirkung des Nichtwissens im Experiment. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 2011, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 74-​84.

Dirk Helbing, Wenjian Yu and Heiko Rauhut: Self-​organization and emergence in social systems. Modeling the coevolution of social environments and cooperative behavior. In: Special double issue Micro-​Macro Links and Micro-​Foundations, edited by Marcel A. L. M. van Assen, Vincent Buskens, and Werner Raub, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2011, vol. 35, no. 1-2, p. 177-​208.

Ivar Krumpal, Heiko Rauhut, Dorothea Böhr, and Elias Naumann: The Framing of Risks and the Communication of Subjective Probabilities for Victimizations. Quality and Quantity, 2011, 45:1331–1348.

Peter Schmidt

G. Gordoni/P. Schmidt/ Y.Gordoni: Measurment invariance across face to face and telephone modes: the case of minority status collectivistic oriented groups. in: International Journal of Public opinion Research, 2011 p.1-​23

H. Steinmetz/E. Davidov/P. Schmidt: Three Approaches to Estimate Latent Interaction Effects: Intention and Perceived Behavioral Control in the Theory of Planned Behavior. in: Methodological Innovations, 2011 p.95-​110

P. Schmidt/J. Iser/A. Heyder: Ist die Kritik an Israel antisemitisch? Die politische Orientierung macht den unterschied. In: A. Langenohl/J.Schraten (Hrsg.): (Un)Gleichzeitigkeiten: Die demokratische Frage im 21.Jahrhundert, Metropolis, Marburg 2011 p. 189-​224

P. Schmidt/J. Herrmann/U. Kelle: Introduction in: Quality and Quantity, 2011, 6 (45) p. 1145-​1150

S. Salzborn/B. Brosig/P. Schmidt: Antisemitism research using methodological triangulation: a case study in Germany in: Quality and Quantity, 2011, 6 (45) p. 1201-​1215

P. Schmidt/J. Herrmann: Factor Analysis. in: International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Eds. B. Badie/D. Berg-​Schlosser/L. Morlino), Sage, 2011

P. Schmidt/J. Herrmann: Structural Equation Modeling, in: International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Eds. B. Badie/D. Berg-​Schlosser/L. Morlino), Sage, 2011 

Davidov, Eldad/Thörner, Stefan/Schmidt, Peter/Gosen, Stefanie/Wolf, Carina:Level and Change of Group-​Focused Enmity in Germany: Unconditional and conditional latent growth Curve Models with four panel waves. In: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis DOI: 10.1007/s10182-​011-0174-1 (online first) 2011. 

G. Möser/P. Schmidt: Meta-​analysis: An alternative to narrative reviews for synthesising social sciences rese-arch. Accepted for publication in: Quality and Quantity, 2011

Dietrich Stauffer

Dietrich Stauffer (2011). “Statistical Physics for Humanities: A Tutorial”. Paper presented at the "science matters" conference in Lissabon 2011.

Michael Wagner

Weiß, Bernd und Michael Wagner, 2011: The Identification and Prevention of Publication Bias in the Social Sciences and Economics. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics 231, Heft 5+6, 661-​684.

Tobias Wolbring

Bozoyan, C., Wolbring, T. (2011): Fat, Muscles, and Wages. Economics and Human Biology 9(4): 356-​64. 

Wolbring, T., Keuschnigg, M., Negele, E. (2011): Needs, Comparisons, and Adaptation: The Importance of Relative Income for Life Satisfaction. European Sociological Review. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcr042. 

Riordan, P., Ganser, C., Wolbring, T. (2011): Zur Messung von Forschungsqualität. Eine kritische Analyse des Forschungsrating des Wissenschaftsrats. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 63(1): 147-​72.

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